Verwood youngsters create new woodland at primary school

TREES will be growing along with the pupils at one primary school after pupils helped plant hundreds of saplings in a new woodland.

After being gifted a plot of land by neighbouring Emmanuel Middle School, youngsters at Verwood CofE First School and Nursery decided to name the plot Faraway Field – and to plant a woodland.
Outdoor Learning at Verwood

School councillors, Kane and Ava, wrote an application to The Woodland Trust asking for saplings to plant there and were thrilled to learn that they had been awarded 420 free trees.

With the help of the school’s outdoor learning helper, Hannah Farmer, the area was cleared and prepared ready for planting and children and staff from across the school set to work, digging holes, planting their tiny trees and protecting them from animals as they grow.

The pupils will also be adding to the new area with a mud oven, bug houses and nesting boxes.
Outdoor Learning at Verwood

Headteacher, Adam Parsons, said: “Everyone has had a wonderful time planting, from our nursery children to our Year 4 pupils.

“We are extremely proud of our School Council, Eco Team and all our children who care passionately about the environment.

“As well as the fun they have had planting, the children have learned a great deal about the different types of trees we now have here including Rowan, Hazel and Silver Birch, about the soil and nutrients they need and the ways in which they will eventually grow to be enjoyed by many more children in the future.”

He added: “Partnership really works when we all have the same values.

“The CEO and middle school head gifted us some land. We in turn have given some of our trees to Emmanuel Middle School and our school council has invited Hillside First School councillors up for a morning to have a tour of the school and our learning – and we will give them some trees to plant too.

“We are really looking forward to improving our curriculum learning by using this outdoor area. Exciting times.”

Verwood CofE First School and Nursery is part of the Initio Learning Trust, formerly Wimborne Academy Trust.

CEO if Initio, Liz West, said: “I am immensely proud of all the children who have worked so hard to create something so special for their school and look forward to receiving a tour of the amazing new Faraway Field once the planting is complete.”

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