Cameras installed in Salisbury Hospital car parks: Free parking details

NUMBER plate recognition cameras have been installed in car parks at Salisbury Hospital.

Staff and patients are being urged to use public transport – or share a car – in a bid to cut waiting times for parking spaces as rollout of the cameras comes into force today (February 6).

Bosses say parking at the hospital is ‘very busy’, with peak times between 10am and 4pm.

They have urged people to find alternative ways to get to the hospital if possible in a bid to cut the queues.

“Car parking at the hospital is very busy, and at peak times, typically 10am – 4pm, demand for space is greater than capacity, resulting in delays in finding a car parking space,” a spokesperson said.

“We encourage all staff and visitors to use public transport and other sustainable means of travel to the hospital, like lift sharing, whenever appropriate and possible.”

The cameras will capture vehicle registrations as people drive onto the hospital site, a spokesperson said.

“When you return to your vehicle, at the end of your hospital visit, please enter your vehicle registration number into the car park pay terminal, located inside the car park and pay for the time used.

“Payment can be made with cash, bank card, including contactless, or via mobile phone app. Please note the payment machines do not give change.”

Applying 24 hours a day, the cost of parking is:

Up to 2 hours £2.70

Up to 4 hours £4.50

Up to 6 hours £6.50

Up to 24 hours £8.00

However, people can pay using their smartphones, by downloading APCOA connect app and entering location code, 2759.

For more details visit


The following groups of patients and visitors are entitled to free parking:

* Blue Badge holders – display your Blue Badge on your dashboard. Register your Blue Badge on the APCOA Blue Badge Permit Portal ideally before you come to hospital at

If you arrive at hospital before registering your Blue Badge, you can validate your free parking using the tablets at the Main Entrance Enquiries Desk or the cashiers

* Parents of children staying in hospital overnight – Your parking is free if your child has to stay overnight in hospital. Speak to the ward team caring for your child, who will validate your parking.

* Regular outpatient attenders – Parking is free to all outpatients who attend hospital for an appointment at least three times within a month and for an overall period of at least three months.

A ‘month’ is defined as a period of 30 days.

* Short-Term Parking Permits / Season Tickets – If you are going to be attending hospital regularly for a short period of time, you can save money by purchasing an unlimited parking permit, with charges of £12 for a week.

Season tickets are available for patients and visitors who satisfy certain criteria and they will be charged at £12.00 per week. Patients and visitors should apply by filling out a request form available from the administrator of the ward or department that they are visiting.

As a patient you qualify if you are:

* receiving Income Support

* receiving Income based Job Seekers Allowance

* receiving Working Families Tax Credit

* receiving Disability Person Tax Credit

* a holder of HC2 or HC3 Certificate from NHS Low Income Scheme

* a parent of a child patient and in receipt of one of the above

* attending an Artificial Limb Centre for a pensionable disability

* attending a Genito Urinary Centre more than 15 miles from your home

* attending two or more appointments in any one week

* attending regular repeated appointments over a long period

As a visitor you qualify if you:

* play an active role in a patient’s recuperation/rehabilitation prior to and post discharge

* are a visitor of an intensive/critical care patient

* are a visitor of an ‘out of area’ patient and living locally/on site to enable repeat visits

* are a visitor of a long stay patient, i.e. more than one week

Electric vehicle parking is not included in the charging fee and should be paid for at the parking payment machines or on the app.

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