Challenges of a 32ft cathedral tree!

WE’VE all struggled at times when putting up our Christmas decorations – but imagine if your problem was a whopping 32ft-high tree!

That was the challenge facing workers at Salisbury Cathedral this week, when the Norway spruce was delivered from Longleat Forest – by lorry.

The 32ft tree was delivered in the morning and by the afternoon was aglow with 1,000 LED lights thanks to the expertise of cathedral staff Pictures: Finnbarr Webster

The 32ft tree was delivered in the morning and by the afternoon was aglow with 1,000 LED lights thanks to the expertise of cathedral staff
Pictures: Finnbarr Webster

Richard Pike, the cathedral’s ecclesiastical joiner, supervised a team from the Works Yard as they carefully hoisted the tree into place at the West End.

The 32ft tree was delivered in the morning and by the afternoon was aglow with 1,000 LED lights thanks to the expertise of cathedral staff Pictures: Finnbarr Webster

The 32ft tree was delivered in the morning and by the afternoon was aglow with 1,000 LED lights thanks to the expertise of cathedral staff
Pictures: Finnbarr Webster

By the afternoon, it was glowing with more than 1,000 LED lights.
The tree was delivered at 8am by Gyatts of Salisbury and was craned into position inside.
“Raising it to a vertical position and securing it is a tricky business and requires a lot of experience and skill,” said a cathedral spokesperson.
“Fortunately, Richard Pike has plenty – this 32ft tree is the 32nd tree he has put in place here.”
The Cathedral’s massive 2022 tree was originally grown as a ‘nurse’ tree for small self-seeded oaks.
By letting the conifers grown tall, the Longleat forestry team protect the little oaks as they develop, using the taller trees to shield them from frost and bad weather, and creating a microclimate in which they can flourish.
The tree will remain in place until Candlemas (February 2), when the Church celebrates the presentation of Jesus in the temple.

The imposing view from atop the tree

The imposing view from atop the tree

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