End of class in sight for temporary classrooms at Salisbury school

TEMPORARY classrooms at a Salisbury school will stay in place – until plans for a permanent structure are finalised.

Bishop Wordsworth School, in Exeter Street, has applied for retrospective planning permission to extend the time allowed for the temporary buildings.

Two buildings currently house four teaching areas at the 1,000-pupil school.
Funding has been approved for a new, permanent block to replace them, but while plans are being drawn up, the permission for the temporary structures has expired.
“This is a temporary extension for these buildings while a planning application is prepared for a new permanent teaching block to replace them,” the application said.
“It is intended that this will be submitted before the end of 2022 and therefore an extension to the existing planning permission is required.”

Permission for the mobiles was initially approved in 1994, the application says, with the extension simply to ‘a permanent teaching block has been approved and built’.
“The extension of the existing application for the location of the temporary classrooms will allow the school to use these buildings while the application is being assessed and determined,” it adds.
“It is hoped that through carrying out these works the reliance on temporary accommodation across the school site will be reduced and new purpose-built teaching accommodation can be provided for the school.”
The scheme is now out to consultation, before being considered by Wiltshire Council.

For more details, and to comment on the plans, log on to and search for application reference PL/2022/09219.

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