Plain-clothed police patrolling after bus damaged by catapult on Salisbury street

POLICE are stepping up patrols in Salisbury after a bus was damaged by catapult.

The incident happened on Wednesday night (November 22) in Gainsborough Close.

A spokesperson for Wiltshire Police in the area said incidents such as this have a “huge impact on the community” and officers were taking it seriously.

“Over the next few weeks the community can expect to see increased presence of high-visibility and plain-clothed police officers in the Bemerton Heath area,” they said.

“Where necessary police will be invoking their powers under Section 35 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 which allows Officers and PCSOs to disperse groups from a certain area for up to 48 hours.

“The local team will be working closely with housing providers in the area and will be looking to take tenancy action against parents of those identified in being involved in these offences.”

READ MORE: Family pays tribute to Tsvetomir Genov after Gainsborough Close stabbing
READ MORE: Maurice Jones charged with murder after stabbing in Gainsborough Close, Salisbury

Anyone with CCTV, dash camera footage, or any information about the incident should contact police on 101, or email

Gainsborough Close hit the headlines earlier this year after the fatal stabbing of Tsvetomir Genov.

The 20-year-old died after an incident in Gainsborough Close on August 22.

Maurice Jones, 25, of Gainsborough Close, has been charged with his murder.

Inspector Tina Osborn said: “Incidents of this nature are totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

“I am fully aware of the community impact that this criminal behaviour is having on others in the local area.

“I and my officers are committed in identifying those responsible and will deal with them appropriately.

“We will be liaising with are partner agencies such as housing and education providers to ensure that a joint approach is adopted.

“I would like to remind parents that they have a duty to educate their children about the dangers of the use of catapults and other similar weapons and the consequences of using them to cause damage.

“I would also ask that parents are aware of where their children are and what they are doing when out in the community.”

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