Spire U3A goes from strength to strength

SPIRE u3a, is thriving with new members joining every month. Attendance is bouncing back after you-know-what and members have even responded to a call to strengthen the committee.
The group, which meets once a month at the Memorial Hall in East Harnham on Monday mornings, can accommodate more members but has run out of recruiting leaflets and will have to reprint.
In-house speaker at the March meeting was Frank Bryant who used a novel method – a map specially printed on his t-shirt – to illustrate his talk on the five rivers of Salisbury.
Frank plotted the course of each river from start to finish and highlighted settlements of interest along the way, the diversions and the where they flow together.
Mediaeval drainage channels, some hidden and some visible, complicate matters in the townscape but question time at the end revealed that u3a members are both curious and knowledgeable about their city.
On Monday, April 17 Colin van Geffen will talk about Nelson and HMS Victory. Doors open at 10am for coffee.
u3a welcomes men and women no longer in full-time work and offers a range of opportunities to develop interests.
Contact the membership secretary – 0790 2846 161 – for more information.

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