Stunning school benches on display at Cathedral before heading home

STUNNING artistic benches created by Salisbury primary school children are on show at the Salisbury Cathedral until the end of the month.
Youngsters from eight schools took part in the BookBench project, organised by Salisbury Rotary Club and Salisbury Library, which saw three professional artists work with them to produce the pieces. The scheme was funded by Salisbury Rotary, the Rotary Foundation and Wiltshire Council. In total, nine benches were constructed – one for each of the schools and one for the library.
“The BookBenches are made of fibre glass and professional artists Sue Martin, Helen Morgan Ford and Helen Look, held workshops to explore specific themes for each school with the children involved in every stage of the process,” said a spokesperson for the initiative.

“Their ideas and wishes culminated in eight beautifully-painted benches depicting a wide range of themes both with local interest and covering world-wide issues. The library’s bench was designed and painted by Terry Kemp and depicted business people at the time of Salisbury Rotary’s start in 1922.”
The BookBenches were on public display in Salisbury Library during August, coinciding with various activities arranged by the library for children during the school holidays, before moving on to the cathedral.
Later in the autumn, the BookBenches will go to their permanent homes in the eight participating schools and one in the library.

“The project was part of the celebrations to mark the centenary of Salisbury Rotary Club, which was founded in January 1922 and since then has raised many thousands of pounds for charitable causes both locally and worldwide,” the spokesperson added.
The Salisbury schools taking part were Harnham Infant and Junior schools, Longford Junior, Manor Fields Primary, St Andrew’s Primary, St Martin’s Primary, St Peter’s Primary and Woodlands Primary.
If you are interested in finding out more about Salisbury Rotary, email or visit

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