Ceiling repair work at Wilton library has begun

Following the recent temporary closure of Wilton Library, ceiling repair works have commenced.

The library building has been closed since 6 April to keep library users safe after the ceiling was found to be damaged. Following further investigation by the Wiltshire Council’s facilities management team and contractors, a detailed work plan was drafted for the repair. The works are scheduled for completion in mid-August, subject to the weather conditions. Contractors will also undertake further works to repair the roof during the building closure.

All books currently out on loan from Wilton Library will have their return date extended until the library reopens, or if required, books can be returned to other Wiltshire libraries. The nearest library to Wilton is Salisbury and Wiltshire Council library cards are valid there and at any council libraries throughout the county.

Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, cabinet member for Libraries, said: “We apologise that we have had to close Wilton Library temporarily, however, the closure was necessary to ensure people’s safety. Now that we have a detailed work plan, the repair work can get under way. We look forward to reopening the facility in the summer.

“We are also taking the opportunity to carry out other repair work to the roof during this period, which will hopefully prevent the need for further works and building closures in the future. Local residents can use our range of digital services as an alternative, or they will be very warmly welcomed at any of our other libraries should they wish to pay them a visit.”

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