Crackdown on drink and drug drivers in Hampshire this Christmas

DRINK and drug drivers are being targeted by police in Hampshire this Christmas.

The Joint Operations Roads Policing Unit of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary and Thames Valley Police have launched Operation Holly in a Christmas crackdown.

Officers will be increasing patrols and enforcement activity on roads in December, in a bid to catch any choosing to drive while impaired over the festive period.

Last December, 142 drink driving offences and 136 drug driving offences were recorded across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Chief Inspector Emma Hart, of the Joint Operations Roads Policing Unit, said: “There is absolutely no excuse for anyone getting behind the wheel after drinking or taking drugs.

“Every year we arrest people who think they can get away with it. Don’t let that person be you this December.

“Even a small amount of alcohol or drugs can significantly damage your ability to drive safely.

“Instead of risking the chance of killing yourself or another road user. A fatal collision causes complete devastation to families, particularly when it is caused by an impaired driver.

“Just make other arrangements like having a designated driver or booking a taxi. Remember also that you may still be too impaired to drive the following morning.

“Just don’t do it. If you do, we will catch you and you will be arrested.”

In 2022, there were 57 fatal collisions on the roads in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. In 18% of these incidents, impairment by drink or drugs was recorded as a contributing factor.

Anyone who believes someone is drink or drug driving should call 999 if it is happening then. You can also provide information for a non-emergency by calling 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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