Residents of Laverstock, Ford, Bishopdown Farm, Old Sarum and Longhedge are invited to the Laverstock and Ford Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting at River Bourne Community Farm at 6pm on Monday, May 15th.
Nick Baker, chair of the council said: “This year we have tried to really make this a meeting for all the community and we warmly invite all residents to come and join us.
“We will be mixing flexible time when there will be refreshments and the opportunity to find out more about the work of local groups with the opportunity to find out more about some of the issues which we think really matter to local residents.
“We know crime and safety is a key issue for many people and the Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Wilkinson and Catherine Roper, the new Chief Constable will be attending to report on their work and answer questions.
“We also receive lots of communications about animal welfare and dog safety and so we have invited the Dog’s Trust to give us a short presentation.
“We will also share our strategic plan at the meeting and be asking residents for their feedback on the priorities we have set for the Parish Council’s work.”
Laverstock and Ford Parish Council serves the communities of Bishopdown Farm (Hampton Park and Riverdown Park), Ford, Laverstock, Longhedge, Old Sarum and the parts of Milford within the parish boundary (Riverbourne Road, Avonbourne Road, Glendale Crescent, Bourne Close, Queen Manor Road, Potters Way and Milford Mill Road-east).
Anyone registered on the electoral roll for the parish of Laverstock & Ford is able to vote (if applicable) and to speak at the meeting (anyone else can only speak at the discretion of the chair).
Trudi Deane, the parish clerk for Laverstock and Ford Parish Council added: “For residents who may not know, the purpose of the meeting, which is convened under the Local Government Act 1972, is to discuss parish affairs and in practice celebrates local activity and discussion of any current issues.
“There is still limited space available for any local groups or individuals wishing to set-up a display to promote their group.”
More details can be found at
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