Fiona Ryan, of Salisbury, guilty of posting “grossly offensive” TikTok videos

SALISBURY woman Fiona Ryan has been found guilty of posting “grossly offensive” TikTok videos.

The 40-year-old, of Laverstock Road, denied four counts of offensive communications but was found guilty at Salisbury Magistrates Court on Wednesday (September 4).

She was charged over TikTok videos posted in March and April this year.

Representing herself, Ryan apologised for any offence caused but denied the content of posts, which were shown in court, were anti-semetic.

However, District Judge Timothy Pattinson found her guilty of all four charges – saying in his summing up that the evidence presented before the court proved that “any reasonable person would find all of this material featured in this trial grossly offensive”.

The hearing was adjourned for sentencing pending the preparation of pre-sentence reports.

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