New beauty salon could be housed at refurbished Downton shop

PLANS have been submitted to refurbish and extend a Downton shop ready for a beauty salon – creating five new jobs.

RAW Planning, on behalf of Andell Developments, has applied to Wiltshire Council for permission to demolish a former school toilet block to the rear of 23 High Street, and replace it with a two-storey extension to the shop premises.

The application said the prospective tenant at the site would be Ellure, currently in Catherine Street, Salisbury, with the listed building’s shopfront improved and additional floor space created in a rear courtyard.

“The existing property has previously been used as a shop (newsagents), but the building has been vacant for several years while it was marketed for sale,” the application said.

“The applicant purchased the property and plot in order to invest and establish a new commercial use (beauty salon) in the property.

The shopfront at 23 High Street would be given a makeover. Pictures: RAW Planning/Wiltshire Council

The shopfront at 23 High Street would be given a makeover. Pictures: RAW Planning/Wiltshire Council

“The prospective tenant (Ellure) has an established client base and requires some additional floor area over and above what the existing shop unit is capable of accommodating.

“As such, a replacement building is proposed in the rear courtyard to accommodation additional floorspace for the business.”

A former toilet block and shed to the rear of the property would be demolished as part of the plan.

“The proposed replacement building would follow a broadly similar footprint as the existing building,” the plan said.

How the new building to the rear of 23 High Street could look

How the new building to the rear of 23 High Street could look

“Internally, the building would accommodate a staff room with kitchenette, along with a stock room and laundry at the ground floor,” it added.

“The first floor would comprise a laser treatment room (to serve growing demand), an office and a small shower room. These spaces would support the Ellure business.”

Car parking space would be available at the rear of the shop, although the plan said most clients would park on the High Street, or the nearby Moot Car Park.

The plans will now be considered by Wiltshire Council. For more details, and to comment on the proposals, log on to and search for application reference PL/2024/00545.

The former toilet block to the rear of the property

The former toilet block to the rear of the property

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