‘Pay by app at Salisbury car parks,’ says Wiltshire Council

PEOPLE are being urged to pay for their parking using a smartphone app – making it easier to extend their stay and avoid a fine.

The MiPermit app is available for people using Wiltshire Council-owned car parks, as well as coin-operated machines.

The council said using the app ‘saves time and effort’, as well as giving access to exclusive app features.

Features include extending a stay from the app without returning to the car park, and the ability to book stays over multiple days and purchase season tickets.

Cllr Caroline Thomas, cabinet member for transport at the council, said: “Paying via the app is quick, convenient and secure. I hope people will take advantage of these features to manage parking on the go so they can make the most of their time out and about.

“Of course, we know that many people prefer to use cash to pay for parking, and we’ll continue to support coins as a payment method in our car parks.

“People can also pay by text message if they wish. However, for many people, the app is the easiest and quickest way to pay, and that’s why we offer a range of payment options in our car parks.”

Parking tariffs are the same whether people use the app, pay and display machines or pay by text message.

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