PCSO convicted of drink-driving behind wheel of a police car in Salisbury

A PCSO was caught drink-driving in Salisbury – while on duty with Wiltshire Police.

Police Community Support Officer Neil Turnball, who resigned from his position earlier this month, was convicted of drink-driving on August 16.

The charge came after Turnball was identified as being drunk behind the wheel of a police car by colleagues on March 6.

He was immediately suspended from the force, Wiltshire Police said.

Now that the criminal proceedings have concluded, a police spokesperson confirmed a gross misconduct investigation will resume into his actions.

Detective Inspector Adam Leakey said: “Clearly, the actions of Mr Turnbull fly in the face of the standards the public rightly expect from us.

“As a direct result of his actions, he could have posed a significant risk to the public, his colleagues and himself.

“A gross misconduct investigation can now continue and we will keep the public updated as to how this develops.”

Turnball was disqualified from driving for a period of 12 months by magistrates, unless he completes a driving course, when this might be further reduced.

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