Salisbury River Park work will improve flood defences in Salisbury, says EA

HOMES hit by flooding will be better protected when work on the Salisbury River Park is completed, according to the Environment Agency (EA).

Around eight properties in Ashley Road were affected by floods over the weekend after the Avon burst its banks.

The site is home to the River Park, which is currently being constructed at the city site.

And the Environment Agency said further work would boost defences in the area – as well as already reducing flooding.

“We know around eight properties were flooded in the Ashley Road area of Salisbury,” they said. “We are committed to protecting people from flooding and reducing its impact and understand how devastating it can be.

“The Environment Agency and Wiltshire Council had officers supporting people affected by the flooding and to understand the cause of the flooding, and also remove the water.”

READ MORE: Floods hit Salisbury as Ashley Road defences breached by Avon

Reducing the risk of flooding is a key priority of the River Park, as well as protecting the landscape in Salisbury.

“When the first phase of the Salisbury River Park flood scheme is complete later this year, homes in this area will have their flood risk reduced,” the spokesperson added.

“The work that has so far been done, did, however, reduce the flooding downstream from the Summerlock Stream, and without that several more properties would have flooded.”

Completion of the first phase of the park is due to be completed in the spring or summer of 2024, cutting the flood risk to around 350 homes and businesses.

In the meantime, the EA says river levels have been dropping since the peak on Saturday.

The forecast for this week is generally dry, they said, with some sleet showers forecast.

“However, groundwater levels are now high and catchments remain very saturated,” they added.

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