Plans for 135 new homes and 50-space car park in Laverstock submitted

PLANS for up to 135 new homes on land at Laverstock have been submitted.

An application to Wiltshire Council by Hallam Land Management would see the homes, along with a 50-space car park, children’s play area and utility buildings, developed on land east of Church Road.

The plans acknowledge the site is “not allocated for development”, but says a “shortfall in the delivery of new homes” mean the application is warranted.

“Although a small village in the settlement strategy, Laverstock is physically closely related to the built-up area of Salisbury,” the application said.

“To deliver the acknowledged shortfall in the delivery of new homes, it is inevitable that additional residential sites are required. There is demonstrably not an adequate supply of available residential sites within the built-up areas of the settlements, such as Salisbury, to meet the identified housing land shortfall.

“Therefore, such housing sites will have to include those (outside) the tightly defined settlement boundaries in sustainable and accessible locations.”

Drawings showing how the development in Laverstock could look. Pictures: Hallam/Wiltshire Council

Drawings showing how the development in Laverstock could look. Pictures: Hallam/Wiltshire Council

Access to the site would be off Church Road, with footpath connections to amenities and the new village car park, the plan said.

“The overall strategy is intended to encourage the community to walk and cycle and will promote healthy, active living for the new community,” it went on.

The application added: “It is a unique situation to have a village with success good access to services, including with major education facilities within the village.

“Indeed, the majority of pupils and staff for the schools would have to travel from outside of Laverstock.”

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READ MORE: Plans for more than 400 new homes in Salisbury submitted

Affordable housing would be provided as part of the development, the application said, with other benefits including a 50space car park for nearby schools and the village; the creation of 230 direct and indirect construction jobs; increased council tax collection of around £2.2 million over 10 years.

For more details on the plan, and to comment, log on to and search for application reference 20/11598/OUT.


  1. T Buckingham Reply

    Please no. Not more low quality ‘affordable’ housing with roads not wide enough to park on. Another Longehedge site is not wanted!!

  2. Mrs D Witt Reply

    How can a housing development which has already been turned down be resubmitted on land that is not even designated building land?. Planning Authorities seem to ignore the wishes of local councils and residents alike, the latest Harnham development springs to mind which now seems to be following in Laverstock.

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