A fresh planning application has been submitted for the site, with three areas identified for development, including a ‘flying hub’ to “ensure the long-term sustainable viability of the airfield”.
Home to listed wartime hangers, Old Sarum Airfield is a site of some 62 hectares, with the application identifying 26.8 hectares for development, in three sections.
In 2015, a bid to develop the site was refused – as well as a subsequent planning appeal.
Now, the fresh scheme has cut the number of homes proposed across the site to around 315, as well as increasing the distance between the development and the nearby scheduled monument.
“This new application seeks to address the concerns raised through the previous appeal and an extensive amount of work has been undertaken to refine this proposal,” it said.
“The application proposals will safeguard flying activity at Old Sarum Airfield on a sustainable basis and secure major investment in new aviation facilities to reinforce Old Sarum Airfield’s status as a functioning heritage aviation asset and visitor attraction,” it added.
A grass flying strip is retained at the centre of the development, the plans outline, with apartments inspired by the aircraft hangers on site, and family homes built in an area near Ford village.
“Housing frontages will face the airfield with public green space in front,” the plans said.
“As well as enjoying the airfield aspect, this will allow the dwellings to enjoy private south facing gardens.
“Providing homes which have a direct link to the airfield encourages residents to have an invested interest in the future of the airfield and its activities, and creates a unified, vibrant community.”
Feilden + Mawson, who have submitted the application, said they had been engaged in consultation with Historic England with regard to the Old Sarum Conservation Area and the nearby scheduled monument.
“Positive feedback was received and the masterplan has been developed to the current planning application,” the submission said.
A number of public consultation events were also held to answer questions from the public.
To view the full proposals, and to comment on the plans, log on to www.wiltshire.gov.uk and search for application reference PL/2023/07368.
I’ve been a resident for over 30 years and my grandfather worked on spit fires in the Second World War up there and I find all this all rather hard to believe – why would we want to lose history and build some shit quick houses to house benefit cheats and lose all of our respect for all those who work the nuts off for our country and earn a pittance for their families!
Honestly I have no respect for anyone who wants to try and make a quick buck of a piece of land that’s our history! Please let these bigots move on and find somewhere else to build these crappy small houses!
Why are the planning departments and building developers intent on wrecking our history, this airfield with its belfast hangars, and technical site is a battlefield that was fought over by our predecessors, who some of them died trying to keep our country free. Would they knock down a stately home, or a castle, then why knock these places down, or build accross them.
I think it’s disgusting, no respect is shown at all for these places or the men and women who died flying from these airfields, it’s about time it stopped, one day there will be nothing left, then the question will be asked why was it allowed to happen.
This should not go ahead as far as myself and lots of bathers are concerned
Many thanks shaun
As a pilot who USED to be based at OS I am upset that an airfield enjoyed by so many light aviation enthusiasts has been off limits for so long.
We were treated very badly by the owners who I have NO TIME FOR…😡 it’s all about money and not flying !!!!
If this does get approved make sure anyone buying a property there signs an agreement THAT THEY HAVE CHOSEN TO LIVE ON/ NEAR AN OPERATIONALAIRFIELD NO COMPLAINING ABOUT AIrcraft NOISE !!!!!!!
Steve Smith
Four floors please and with underground parking. Allocated space for communal bins and dedicated bike parking space.
All buildings should have maximum area of solar panels linked to battery storage for nigh time use.
Totally disgusting it should never go ahead on these historic sites
The devil will be in the detail!
300 homes are to many. All these building would create air turbulence which would be a danger to aircraft. If the owners got the go ahead how could they be trusted as they totally neglected one of the Belfast hanger they owned and we all know it collapsed and they were not worried about that. Perhaps it was planned that way so as to get rid of the hanger.