Families looking for an holistic education environment for their young children are well accommodated in West Tytherley.
Nestled in a wooden cabin at Norman Court, Free Spirits offers education for early years children (aged three to five), home educated children (three to eleven) and primary school children during school holidays.
But what exactly is holistic education? “Holistic means the whole of something, and not just a part,” explained owner Gemma Gannon.
“Unlike traditional education – which prioritises academic achievement and children ‘keeping up’ with expected levels of development – holistic education seeks to develop children’s physical, social, emotional, moral, intellectual, artistic, spiritual and practical skills equally, i.e. the whole human being.”
Gemma, a Primary School and SEN Teacher for many years, who is currently training to be a Steiner Waldorf teacher opened Free Spirits to provide natural learning experiences for up to 12 children per day.
“It will respect them as individuals, cater for all aspects of development and allow learning at each child’s pace through play and exploration in an aesthetically pleasing, ergonomic environment. We teach manners as much as maths, reverence alongside reading and creativity over conformism.”
Fees for children aged three to four are covered by the LA free hours entitlement. Snacks and hot meals are chargeable.
For more information visit www.freespiritseducation.com/
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