PLANS to enable a new Lidl store in Salisbury have been submitted – to replace Smyths Toys and HomeSense, which will “vacate the site” early next year.
Urban Edge Architecture, on behalf of Schroders Real Estate Investment Management, has applied for permission to changes at units 1 and 2 of the Churchill Way West Retail Park.
The application, to Wiltshire Council, says reconfiguring the units, together with works to associated car parking areas and service yard to the rear, are necessary to bring the budget store to the site.
It said the redevelopment would increase the size of unit 1 to “reflect the needs of the incoming Lidl foodstore operator”, with the second unit occupying the remainder of the space.
“As part of the reconfiguration, the entrances to the two units will also be relocated to reflect the internal changes,” it added.
“The new shopfront glazing will span across the majority of the new unit 1, with an overall height of four metres.”
The application says the units are currently occupied by Smyths Toys and HomeSense, but only Lidl is listed as occupying the units if the plans are approved, with unit 2 being detailed as “TBC”.
The planning application says the retailers will leave in early 2025.
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“Smyths Toys (Unit 1) and HomeSense (Unit 2) intend to vacate the site in January 2025 and February 2025 respectively,” it added.
“The application therefore seeks to enable the continued occupation of the majority of the floorspace across both units and to avoid vacancies at the retail park.”
A new Lidl store would be the second in Salisbury, with another outlet currently at Hatches Lane.
For more details, and to comment on the plans, log on to and search for application reference PL/2024/09079.
Absolutely bonkers salisbury don’t need two lidless stores in the city
No! We don’t need more supermarkets!! Poor kids have no toy shops if Smyths closes! This is the one toy shop everyone loves
Salisbury is being destroyed! These stores are brilliant and used by everyone! We do not need anymore bloody supermarkets!!!
Ridiculous. Bad choices, yet again by selfish business owners.
Why do we need another Lydl? Homesense and smiths are great and we need them.
Everyone is finding it ridiculous to see the closing shortly of Smyths & HomesenseUK in Salisbury next year…
Apparently it’s under PPl/2024/07079
But I can’t find it? & would like to put forward a complaint about thus dession as certainly don’t need another supermarket.
Thank you
With you on this.
No, thank you.. the only thing salisbury has going for itself is homesense!
I can’t believe this. How many more downmarket supermarkets do we need in Salisbury? We actually need a large toyshop and Homesense is good for all sorts of homeware. I hope lots boycott this Lidl store because I know there is a great deal of anger about these plans.
So the only decent toy shop in Salisbury is closing. There aren’t any children’s clothes shops in town (very limited) – what does Salisbury have against kids?! Also, HomeSense is the only place to buy half decent, good quality home goods. This is SO sad. Do we honestly need ANOTHER Lidl?!
This is absolutely ridiculous. We can’t lose homesense and smyths for another rubbish Lidl!!! Salisbury is bad enough without taking away two of the only decent shops we have!
This does not represent diverse shopping experience.
Two large supermarkets on same development.
Homesence and Smyths with food shops is family outing. And range of purchasing.
please let’s not loose two brilliant shops to yet another supermarket – poor show Salisbury
So what’s happening to Smyths and Homesense we need diverse shops that are not simply about food. Foodshopping is a chore can we maintain the leisure aspects of shopping and bring people in. to our city isnt Lid already off Southampton Rd ?
Ludicrous!!! We don’t want another Lidl store, we want the only toy store in Salisbury to stay, and Homesense too!!!!!!!! Who agrees to this……..???? This is not what the people of Salisbury want… more food stores, we have Waitrose, that’s enough on that site!!!!!!
So we are not going to have a toy shop anymore that is a crime lidl already has a store in salisbury
Please dont get rid of Home Sense, its the only place I shop in Salisbury now. And I would go to Salisbury at all, if it goes. Its a waste of space for shopping
No, no, no. We do not need another food store. I shop in both Homesense and Smyths. What does Lidl have against the people of Salisbury? They already have one store. Let’s boycot this adfitional unnecessary prospective store.
How ridiculous is this. I use Smyths all the time and our grandchildren love wandering around the store. Now where are they supposed to go? Definitely a wrong move in my opinion.
Easily the two best shops in Salisbury this should not be allowed to happen, if we did need another Lidl surely it should be at the top of the Avenue near St Peter’s Place,
Ridiculous decision. Who on earth is responsible for approving this? We need diversity not more bottom end supermarkets. Salisbury is going to the dogs!
Absolutely not surely!! Homesense going? It’s the only decent store around. You shop is a must. There’s nowhere else to get toys. I’m really angry at this. It’s dreadful news. The only reason I frequent Salisbury is both of those shops. And Waitrose. If it be stopped it needs to be but I’m guessing both those going will still go for some reason. Really sad. .
Salisbury planners need replacing as soon as possible! Lidl already have a store in the city, Asda are, regrettably, due to arrive soon. The people of Salisbury deserve a range of retail opportunities and both Smyths and Homesense are valued by many local people and should be encouraged to continue to serve the people of Salisbury.
We don’t need another supermarket. Wiltshire council are an absolute joke. We need to keep Smyths and Homesense where they are now. We already have Lidl off Southampton Road and Amesbury. Stupidity at its best. A but like the stupid cycle route you put in and then had to remove.
Listen to the people noooooo I’m not going to shop there
I agree with all the above comments, how ridiculous to have yet another Lidl. It’s totally crazy Smyrhs is the only toy shop in Salisbury and Homesense is a fabulous shop! Why is Salisbury having yet another supermarket, haven’t we got enough already????
What a shame, Smyths is the only toy shop in Salisbury! And homesense is a fabulous shop full of all sort of fabulous items. I have to agree with the other comments we do NOT need another supermarket!
The only toy shop in Salisbury and a great home store going – utter madness. Is there a petition going against this?
The planners on Salisbury Council don’t know what they’re doing. Will they be happy when we all go elsewhere and the shops are empty and losing money
I hope they have a sushi bar
Ha Ha!
While Salisbury planners have much to answer for, anyone can make an application. It is a shame to lose the diversity of the overall site but much needed jobs will be important. Maybe Lidl can take on board some of the comments here, in terms of what it will be offering. Its an absolute nightmare to try to get to Southampton Road from the West of the City and into the City Centre with all the everlasting road works. So some choice for those of us living to the West is not such a bad thing. Especially for those on a tight budget.
Spot on.
Dirty underhanded and despicable dealings by Lidl. Go build a store of your own, leave our toy store and homesence, alone Salisbury will not be worth coming into anymore.
Dirty underhanded and despicable dealings by Lidl.
Why do we need another supermarket next to a supermarket. The Toy Store was a blessing in Salisbury especially round the festive period and I’m sure many a person shopped there with the kids so why take that away!!!…Salisbury is a dying town and this isn’t going to improve it!!!