New plan revealed for allotment shop

PLANS to relocate a shop on an allotments site in Salisbury have been submitted.

The Salisbury Trading Hut, at the Fisherton Farm Allotment Site, is run by volunteers from the Allotments and Gardens Association Salisbury (AGAS).

However, the hut has had to move due to work being carried out on the nearby River Park development.
The Environment Agency loaned the group two units to move the hut, but now, AGAS has applied for permission to move the hut into three new units on a disused plot on the Fisherton Farm site.

“The three units would be owned by AGAS but situated on land belonging to Salisbury City Council,” the application said.

“Salisbury City Council have agreed to this proposal. AGAS are currently raising funds to enable the purchase of new units, which is envisaged through grant funding, events and donations.”

The new units, ‘broadly’ equivalent in size to the current temporary structures, woudl house an office to be used as the main shop building, and two storage areas for compost and other stock.

“(The plot) of the Fisherton Farm Allotment Site is unused and is predominantly covered with hardstanding, rendering it in an unusable condition for use as a traditional allotment,” the application said.

“Its current state does, however, represent an ideal location for the allotment shop units, being conveniently located to the largest allotment site in Salisbury abd close to its former location.”

Small walls around the plots would be removed, the plan says, with some space allowed for vehicles to pull in when using the store.

“Overall, the proposed development would allow for the retention of a valued and viable community facility which supports health, wellbeing and social interaction in Salisbury,” the application added.

For more details, and to comment on the plan, log on to and search for reference PL/2023/04246.

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