UPDATES: Wiltshire students collect their exam results

STUDENTS have been praised as they collect their GCSE and other results this morning.

Wiltshire Council and Salisbury MP John Glen were among those to congratulate young people today.

Here is the latest from schools in and around Salisbury and across Wiltshire:

South Wilts Grammar School, Salisbury

Michele Chilcott, headteacher, said: “We are delighted to celebrate the superb achievements of our wonderful Year 11 students.

“A total of 157 students took their examinations this year. The number of students achieving the very highest grades is again outstanding. Almost 70% of all the examinations taken were awarded 7-9 grades, with 46% of those grades awarded at 8-9. 42 students achieved eight or more 8-9 grades, with four students achieving at least 10 grade 9s.

“It is easy to forget that a significant proportion of Year 11’s school experience was impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Their excellent results are a real credit to them and are borne of hard work, perseverance and commitment over their school career.

“They are a fantastic year group with very bright prospects ahead of them. We look forward to seeing the vast majority of them in Year 12 in September and wish all of them the best for the future.”

Darcy, Emma, Lucy, Yashvi and Nina picked up their results this morning at South Wilts Grammar School, Salisbury

Bishop Wordsworth’s School, Salisbury

Headteacher, Dr Stuart Smallwood, said: “In the run up to this set of Key Stage 4 results the message from the exam boards was clear – school should expect a reduction from the previous high levels towards the outcomes in summer 2019.

“That is what has happened this year and, while the reduction from 2022 is fairly stark the outcomes are still very good for this set of students.

“The 155 boys in Bishop’s Year 11 gained nearly 64% of all of their papers at Grades 7-9, with 33 of the year group passing all of their papers at one of the top three grades.

“This set of results comes at the end of several years’ determined effort for boys who had experienced education that was punctuated by the pandemic of course.

“They have been helped through those difficult times by the determination and creativity of their teachers, and the unwavering support of parents.

“They’ve done well, and, most importantly, will have gained the qualifications that they need for the next stage.

“For most that will mean A levels with us, but I wish all of our Year 11 good fortune wherever their next steps may lead.”

READ MORE: 1-9? A-E? Here’s how GCSEs are graded

Leehurst Swan School, Salisbury

A spokesperson from the school said: “Leehurst Swan students gathered today to collect their GCSE results. The results they gained reflected the hard work and dedication they showed to their studies and it is a clear demonstration of their commitment to their education.

“We know their time at Leehurst Swan will have set a strong foundation for their post 16 studies and beyond.

“These achievements will pave the way for exciting future opportunities and we wish our class of 2023 the best of luck.”

Leehurst Swan students collected their results today

Leehurst Swan students collected their results today

Wyvern St Edmund’s Academy

Headteacher, Louise Henderson, said: “Wyvern St Edmund’s Academy is so proud of our students from the class of 2023. Both boys and girls have achieved high grades in equal measure across our curriculum areas of Sciences, Languages, Maths, creative subjects, the humanities and English.

“Our students returning from lockdown in Year 9 have worked hard to close the gaps of lost learning. Our staff have shown love and dedication in supporting our students to believe that they can achieve more.

“As a result there are a large number of students who have achieved or exceeded the target grades they were aiming for. I’m delighted that students have been rewarded for all their hard work and efforts.

“I would like to personally thank all the staff at WSE for the continued guidance and support that is given.

“While we are proud of the achievements of each and every one of our students, there are some successes which we’d like to single out.”

Among the top performers were:
* Eloise Fellows achieved 4 grade 9’s and two grade 8’s, 2 grade 7s, 1 grade 6 and 1 grade 5
* Catherine Hinder who achieved Two 9s, Three 8S, Four 7s and 1 Distinction*
* Thomas Mills who achieved 5 grade 8s, 4 grade 7s and 1 grade 6.
* Noor Ullah who achieved 6 grade 8s, 2 grade 7s, 1 grade 6 and 1 Distinction*

Eloise and Catherine

Eloise and Catherine



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