Waitrose in Salisbury looks to extend bank holiday opening hours

WAITROSE in Salisbury is hoping to open for longer on bank holidays and other public holidays.

The supermarket giant, via agent Firstplan, has applied for permission to extend opening times on bank holidays and other public holidays.

Currently, the store can open on those days between 8am and 6pm.

However, it is hoping Wiltshire Council will approve plans to extend those hours to between 7am and 9pm in order to “meet the changing needs of the modern customer”.

“Owing to increased competition from the rise of online shopping, other competing stores in Salisbury enjoying longer trading hours on these days, and numerous customer requests, Waitrose now seeks permission for new trading hours solely during bank holiday and public holiday periods to allow greater flexibility for customers to shop at the store,” the application said.

“Given that bank holiday and public holiday opening hours make up only a small proportion of the store’s trading profile across the year, the proposals are considered acceptable and necessary to meet the changing shopping needs of the modern customer.

“Existing trading hours outside of bank holidays and public holidays will remain unchanged.”

For more details, and to comment on the plan, log on to and search for application reference PL/2024/05353.

One Comment

  1. PUGLET1 Reply

    We are now a multicultural country, multi regions and secular Is shops can make a profit why restrict their opening times?

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