Car wash bids to open on Sundays – and cut the noise for residents

A WILTSHIRE car wash could open on Sundays if a planning application is approved.

An application has been submitted to Wiltshire Council to allow the hand car wash at the Crown Garage, on Andover Road, to operate between 10am and 4pm on Sundays.

Previously, planning was allowed for the car wash to open between 8am and 6pm from Monday to Saturday, with no trading allowed on Sundays or bank holidays.

A previous bid to open on Sundays was refused by council planners due to concerns over noise from the business.

Now, applicants Mr and Mrs R Gerrish say they have installed a new power washer and would also install a surround, cutting noise from people washing vehicles.

“The business is now using a different pressure washer and it is understood the previous complainant has now left the area,” the application by Fowler Architecture and Planning, said.

“The applicant is not aware of any complaints being made in respect of the existing operations for a number of years.

“Although allowing Sunday working would increase the noise levels on this particular day, the applicant is prepared to introduce an acoustic enclosure around the wasging/vacuuming areas to improve noise levels for local residents.

“This would mitigate the noise levels on a Sunday, as well as improving noise levels on the existing days the garage can currently operate.”

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