Nursing home takes a blindfold water challenge to raise funds for foodbank

Ashley Grange Nursing Home in Downton wanted to support the great work of the Downton Baptist Church who run the Larder, which provides food for free to our local community and the overstretched foodbank.
Always up for a bit of fun, the team picked the blindfold backwards water challenge.
In short, this entails sitting blindfolded with a bucket on your lap and then passing four litres of water over your head into the bucket behind you.
The team with the most water at the end wins. What could go wrong!
On 17 April, the Home welcomed a local community team made up of members of the Downton Baptist Church, staff from the Salisbury Foodbank and a representative from the Downton Co-Op. The other team consisted of staff from Ashley Grange.
After four rounds, the score was tied at two wins apiece, resulting in a tie-break challenge. The community team was duly crowned outright winners – a trophy will be engraved and presented.
An additional team from Hartford Care, the group Ashley Grange is part of, also took the challenge and had a great time.
“Over the next few weeks and months, we hope that more people will feel this is a worthy reason to have fun and to take the challenge themselves,” said Steve Hinsley, from Hartford Care’s central team.
“Both the Downton schools are looking into how they can take the challenge once they have settled into the new term. Fun and fundraising were the main aim, and as everyone departed with smiles and laughter, they asked several times what the next challenge would be… watch this space.”

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