Stargazers: your countryside needs you

A star-filled night sky is one of the most magical sights, one that is especially enjoyable in the countryside. But sadly, even out in the country, light pollution is leaving fewer stars than ever visible to the naked eye.
CPRE: the countryside charity is asking for help in tracking how light levels are changing.

No telescopes are required and the count can be enjoyed by adults and children. Last year’s event attracted thousands of amateur star-spotters. Each count will help the CPRE populate a map that reveals where skies are still deep and dark and where they are affected by light pollution. The charity can then work with local councils and other stakeholders to devise a plan of action to restore darkness.
The ultimate aim is to ‘rewild’ the sky for the benefit of humans and animals.
This year’s cosmic census takes place between 17 and 24 February. Participants will be asked to choose a clear night and to count the stars they can see with the naked eye within the easily-recognisable and prominent constellation, Orion.

You can register your interested on the CPRE website:

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