Fresh plans for Ringwood convenience store after previous scheme rejected

FRESH plans for a convenience store and house on a site in Ashley Heath have been submitted.

Previously, plans for a 370sqm shop on land off Horton Road were refused by Dorset Council, due to a ‘blanket’ tree preservation order covering the site, as well as ‘insufficient information’ regarding the impact on biodiversity.

The new application details proposed ‘mitigation measures’ for the rejection reasons, including replacement trees and a 10-year woodland management plan.

It says the ‘positive use for the site’ overcomes the objections.

How the new development could look. Picture: Scott Worsfold Associates

How the new development could look. Picture: Scott Worsfold Associates

“The application seeks outline planning permission with layout, access and landscaping considered at this outline stage, for demolition of the existing dwelling – a bungalow – and erection of a convenience store and new dwelling with associated access and parking,” it said.

“The vehicular access to the convenience store would be by an in/out circulatory arrangement onto Horton Road.”

The development would feature 20 parking spaces, the plan says.

For more information, and to comment on the plans, log on to and search for application reference P/OUT/2023/01663.


  1. Louise Andrews Reply

    This application has been refused twice already for reasons that are well documented and valid. No one in the immediate area wants another store in Horton Road, there is already a one stop nearby and an M&S less than a mile away, together with a Londis at Three Legged Cross. More importantly, the road is already extremely busy and dangerous at times and added traffic will only exacerbate the situation. Turning to the wildlife and the number of trees which will clearly need to be felled, this is an absolute travesty and cannot be allowed to happen. Trees and green spaces are rapidly disappearing because of the many new builds in the area.
    Totally oppose this application and sincerely hope it fails again.

  2. Graham Trotter Reply

    Totally agree with this comment ,they shouldn’t be allowed to keep putting in the same application.They change a couple of words then the planning has to accept the application yet again ,then everyone has to object in writing again, again and again causing unlimited stress.The money this one man has cost the the cash staved council because of his greed should be stopped.

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